Where children can use their imaginations to be anything they want to be. They are given the opportunity to create beautiful pieces of art work and play within the classroom, as well as, learn about the world we all share. Outdoor playtime is always an all time favorite, no matter if it is sunny or snowy!
At Torbank, we pride ourselves on the fact that we are afforded the opportunity to share new experiences with your children. Each day is a new day filled with new experiences and memories to last a lifetime! Please take a look below at what a typical year looks like!
We played with trains, cars, dolls, Playdough and sand…we had a lot of fun pretending we were in a marching band…we dressed as Pilgrims for our Thanksgiving feast…we practiced and sang our hearts out during our Holiday Show…we loved painting and doing puzzles...of course singing was a part of every day…we learned about shapes, colors, numbers and letters…our favorite was playing outdoors and swinging on the swings!
We learned all about colors and shapes…sang songs about apple trees and witches…trick-or-treating in our classroom…we shared a Thanksgiving feast with the other classes…made holiday presents for our families…we wore our alien helmets that we made and flew our “rocket” into outer space…we learned about planets and the solar system…wrote letters to our families for Valentine’s Day…we read “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and then went on a bear hunt with our dads…we followed clues which led us to a pot of gold…we watched caterpillars grow into butterflies…we learned about the days of the week, the months of the year and counted everything we could…we played with blocks and train and most importantly we learned how to share and how to be a friend!
We went pumpkin picking and looking at apple trees…trick-or-treating in our classrooms…a trip to the Sleepy Hollow Fire House to learn about fire safety…learned about Native American symbols, made tee-pees, baked cornbread and made cranberry sauce…learned about winter birds and beautiful murals…delved into the world of dinosaurs and put together awesome 3-D worlds with erupting volcanoes…we dug for dinosaur bones in our sandbox…we made wind chimes that made beautiful music and learned about the wind and how it can blow many things…we then took a trip to see The Paper Bag Players at the Tarrytown Music Hall…we had a blast sharing different things and people we love for Show and Tell…we planted flowers to make our world beautiful…we learned about all different types of animals that hatch from eggs…we even observed our own eggs in the incubator until tiny chicks hatched and grew!